The design of this product happened during my first semester studying indstrial design at the HTW Berlin.
The design task was to create a prooduct that combines two functions.
after looking around and thinking about what to create I decided to do a redesign on the common wax set for surfers du to the lack of LONGLIVITY and SUSTAINABILITY of the common designs and the bad way to just add a scratching card on top.
The final design includes silicon closure on both sides to easily gain acess to the wax which is very likely to stick inside the box.
And thinking about a surfers mindset it is safe to say that they love the ocean and are boundt to nature.
So THE WAX SET should be made out of plastic fished out of the oceans by organisations like 4Ocean to live up to that mindset.
And thinking about a surfers mindset it is safe to say that they love the ocean and are boundt to nature.
So THE WAX SET should be made out of plastic fished out of the oceans by organisations like 4Ocean to live up to that mindset.
1st Semester ID
supervised by
Prof. Birgit Weller
supervised by
Prof. Birgit Weller